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And the Biopsy says . . .
Thursday June 24th 2010, 3:46 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

The biopsy came back negative.  My vet still feels we are dealing with cancer though.  When I asked him for his professional opinion on what to do – he said he would opt for another biopsy so they would know for sure which cancer they are dealing with to come up with the best possible treatment plan.  After thinking about it, I called Ohio State University Vet Clinic and made an appointment there.  Not knowing how my vet would react to this, I called him up to let him know my decision to get a 2nd opinion.  My vet’s reply when I told him the news of going to the OSU campus for Denali was “that is probably the BEST thing you can do for her”.  He told me he would be very willing to work with OSU and if I wanted to get the amputation done there if it’s necessary, that they will help me with all the after care and he also asked that I keep him in the loop.

5 Comments so far

Sounds like Denali is in good hands. Best wishes for the decisions you face. Thanks for the update.

   admin on 06.24.10 @ 3:57 pm    

Good for Danali and good for you! That sounds like a great vet!

Good Luck!

   jack crowder on 06.24.10 @ 4:30 pm    

Your vet sounds like a really good guy. I know the negative result had to make you feel better, and God knows we all hope the final result is negative for cancer. But it’s good to hear that this vet isn’t complacent. So much better safe than sorry. Best of luck to you and your baby! We’ll be praying for you all.

Leslie, Roxy’s mom

   Leslie on 06.25.10 @ 8:09 am    

Good for both of you. A second opinion is a great move. And well done for your vet for being so encouraging and understanding!

Catie’s first biopsy came back negative too. Before the first one, the surgeon did tell us the biopsy results could come back negative/inconclusive. The negative results did shock him however because the xrays so clearly showed the traditional moth-eaten appearance of osteosarcoma. Catie’s second biopsy though – he went deeper I think and took many more samples – came back positive with cancer cells.

Hoping for the best possible results for Denali! The unknowing and uncertainty can be a difficult anxious time. It’s a little easier somehow when there finally is a clear diagnosis and you can settle on a treatment plan.

Hang in there! Thanks for the update. Fingers and paws crossed.

   Carmen (Catie's Mom) on 06.25.10 @ 10:35 am    

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